Spiritual Development

Women’s Bible Study

The Bridge hosts twice weekly bible study for women reaching over 600 in attendance each week. We believe that God has blessed us to share the love of Christ with this fellowship. We strive not only to see our ladies grow in the Word but also to disciple them to go out and reach others. We believe that when a woman feels accepted, cared for, and loved by God and by our ministry staff, she will have a positive impact for change in her community.

Children’s Bible Study

We host twice-weekly children’s Bible studies to reach out and share hope with children in our community who are not attending school including restavek children. We prepare these children with the basics of a Christian foundation for life and create opportunities for those who do not attend school to learn literacy skills. Currently, more than 70 children are hearing the Word and receiving tutoring.

Outreach Events

Each month, The Bridge hosts a community-wide outreach event to reach new people and to continue uplifting and supporting our members. Our outreach events provide a fun and educational environment for new people to learn and find fellowship. In the past, our events have included activities like spa days, movies, and seminars from other local community leaders. Outreach Events average 600 women each month.

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