Our Story
Our History
In 2019, a Haitian school administrator saw a need for Christian community in her town of Gressier, Haiti. What began as a small women’s bible study in her home for 7 people has evolved to serve over 800 women and families through spiritual development, educational opportunities, mental health counseling, and emergency services.
A stateside Board of Directors was formed and began oversight for the expansion and depth of programming. The Mental Health Program was launched to provide access to Christian counseling and healing services to Bible study attendees.
Weekly community English classes began to provide women with continuing education opportunities.
Cistern was built on-site to provide clean water for attendees.
The Bridge responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by facilitating our first mass community food distribution which provided 125 families with a week’s supply of food.
Began hosting monthly outreach events to connect the unreached in the community to our ministry.
Launched community Children’s Bible Studies geared towards children not attending school in our community. Launched community Adult Literacy Classes to provide attendees with the resources to listen to and the ability to learn how to read the Word of God. Emergency Services Program launched to assist in meeting minor medical and nutritional needs for individuals connected to The Bridge.
Conducted our 1st annual Christmas food distribution.
Developed our emergency preparedness plan as national instability increased.
Completed a concrete project to expand and enhance ministry space.
Grew Home Visit team and expanded US staff. Expanded office and emergency services space to new facility.
Distributed 750 meals for Christmas celebration
Developed small group leaders and structure to support the growing bible study attendance. Hired US Executive Director.
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