Kelly Prahl
Administrative Assistant
Kelly first visited Haiti on a missions trip in 2011. The Lord really started speaking to her about going back. In 2013, she went back for several months. During this time, her heart for the people of Haiti grew very strong. While in Haiti, she applied to Southeastern University and received a degree in social work in order to be more equipped in serving the people of Haiti, as well as those in her hometown, Baltimore City. She later finished school with a masters degree in social work, focusing on children and families.
Kelly met Hannah, Ritha and Fedner in 2017 when she went back to Haiti for an extended amount of time. She felt honored to be serving the Lord with them. Kelly came back to Baltimore, Maryland in 2018 and has been loving serving the local church since then. However, she has never lost her love and respect for the Haitian people. The Lord always knows our hearts and has the perfect timing for everything. She joined The Bridge team in 2023, working part-time from the States. She immediately knew this was from the Lord. She is thankful and considers herself blessed to be working with the Haitian leaders and coming along side of them to serve in whatever capacity needed to further the Lord’s agenda in Haiti.